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Bad Trip: Expert says VA studies psychedelics but ignores proven Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy!


This week we’re talking with Dr. Robert Beckman, Executive Director of Treat Now dot org. He’s one of the premiere experts in the treatment of brain wounds with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Although this technology is FDA approved for things like burns and diabetic foot ulcers, Beckman says the VA ignores proof that it’s effective for treating brain wounds, TBI’s, concussions and depression which has fueled the suicide epidemic in America.

While ending suicide remains a top priority for VA , DoD, Beckman slams their decision to pump millions of mental health dollars into psychedelic research to merely treat symptoms. He offers several real-world examples of HBOT effectively treating the root cause and thus eliminating symptoms in ways current VA strategies do not.

In one powerful segment he shares how over the years the VA has amputated hundreds of thousands of feet, due to diabetic foot ulcers. Beckman claims most of which could have been avoided if HBOT was introduced earlier in their care.

He also shares vivid examples; NFL players treating concussions, combat veterans’ fighting effects of toxic exposures and many clinics who are currently embracing HBOT therapy for treatment of brain wounds, PTSD and MS.

For more on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy including powerful research data and published studies, see’s website:

Read the latest newsletter “VA Continues to Avoid Treating and Healing Brain Wounds” here:

VIDEO: MSG Scott Rossler’s HBOT testimony

VIDEO: NFL great Joe Namath shares how HBOT changed his life:

To reach CBS Eye on Veterans, Host, Phil Briggs

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