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‘He’s a real-life ironman’: Dissecting Travis Hunter’s two-way heroics for Colorado team in title contention
Sport-Related Concussion in Children and Adolescents
Limiting screen time and returning to school early may speed up recovery after a concussion
The New Neurometabolic Cascade of Concussion
Sports-related concussion not associated with long- term cognitive or behavioural deficits: the PROTECT- TBI study
Fighting and Penalty Minutes Associated With Long-term Mortality Among National Hockey League Players, 1967 to 2022
NHL tough guys die 10 years younger than their fellow players, study finds –
Chris Nowinski, Concussion Legacy Foundation, Harvard Football Team death — and silence about brain wound healing
NFL Concussion Fast Facts 0ct 2023
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport–Amsterdam, October 2022
NFL says regular-season concussions increased 18% in 2022
NFL players who experienced concussion symptoms during careers show reduced cognitive performance decades after retirement
Concussion Management at the NFL, College, High School, and Youth Sports Levels
Concussion Healing for Parents and Students June 2024
Concussion July 2019
LECTURE 12 DENHAM Acute Concussion
Acute Concussion Diagnostics and Treatment: Case Study Results
Bad Brains_ the NFL and its Concussion Crisis_Jesse Goodman
Brain Ailments in Veterans Likened to those in Athletes NYT – Dao May 17, 2012
Brett Favre memory loss
Concussion Treatment
Could soldiers like football players be at risk of brain disease
CTE in Veterans
CTE Joe DeLamielleure
Elliott Pellman_Dr. Yes NFL
Lewis- Fish and Fish Oils in Health and Disease 2015
Lewis Omego 3s
Navy Times 8-13-12 Athletes, vets suffer same brain disease Kime
NFL admits links between Football and CTE
NFL Concussions Fast Facts
N.F.L.’s Flawed Concussion Research and Ties to Tobacco Industry
NFL Harvard spar over $100M
NFLPA on $100M to Harvard CTE
NFLPA Statement on Junior Seau’s CTE Diagnosis
NYT Brain Trauma to Affect One in Three Players, N.F.L. Agrees
NYT Dao Brain Ailments In Veterans Likened To Those In Athletes 17MAY2012
NYT on Rayfield Wright Dementia
Sports Concussions bigger than thought
The NFL’s Response to Brain Trauma_A Brief History
USA Today CTE mysterios degenerative brain disease