brain injured

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Pathophysiology of Brain Wounding, AKA: How is Damage Caused by a Brain Wound?

Over 100 years of research show that repeated BLAST Exposures (RBE) have negative effects on the human brain. Researchers want to come up with better and faster ways to identify brain injury. And the only non-pharma-based intervention to heal those brain wounds that is available now is not being used: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

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Veterans: Your Brain May be Unwired

We need to support our brain’s ability to heal. Our bodies, our brains are designed to heal. When tissue is wounded, extra oxygen is necessary for the tissue to survive and heal. HBOT is a powerful tool that enhances the oxygen delivery in the blood and has been proven to help the brain to heal and detoxify. Read More
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How Big is the Veteran Suicide Problem?

Overview of the policies and flawed science behind the Veteran suicide, drug overdose deaths, diabetic amputations, and mental health epidemics. This series intends to tackle a range of subjects that afflict Veterans, especially suicide and drug overdoses which, along with diabetic lower limb amputations, are at epidemic levels. Read More
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New Days Could be Dawning

From football fields to battlefields to America’s classrooms and assisted living facilities, citizens and policymakers and the medical profession are wondering what can be done about suicides, “mental health” and the growing sense that daily life is causing damage to our brains. Whether it’s sports, or legal and illegal drugs, or violence, or online abuse and bullying and shaming, or mass casualty events, or the suicide and opioid epidemics, increasing numbers of young and old have “mental health problems.” We seem to be losing our minds.

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What the world knows that the VA does not: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is safe, effective and can restore health

Athletes are waking up to the Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for brain wound healing, health, endurance, peak performance, and the competitive edge. A high-profile college football program began using HBOT to manage player injuries and fatigue. The therapy quickly became a key factor in their injury management and prevention strategy. The team noted shorter recovery periods after injuries, and players were able to return to play faster than before, demonstrating HBOT’s efficacy in a high-contact sports environment. Numerous professional athletes use HBOT.

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VA Continues to Avoid Treating and Healing Brain Wounds

2024 reminds us that the Veterans Administration continues off-course by avoiding actual brain wound healing while pumping more $$$$ into research, “Mental Health,” and achieving a new normal. Meanwhile, the suicide rate continues upward. Read More
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CTE Plagues Heisman Trophy Winners and Families

Four percent of Heisman trophy winners died of CTE, and the list of their wounded fellow winners is growing. If you extrapolate those numbers to the 25,000 former NFL players, over 1,000 of them are probably carrying the CTE markers. Three-quarters of 1,035 brains of football players, 0ver 700, examined at Boston University had CTE.

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NYT: Friendly Fire Leads to Brain wounding

As we have reported for years, BLAST injury does not respect your nationality, gender, origin of the weapon, or your intention. As Dave Philipps of the New York Times reports, U.S. Troops are still training on weapons with known risks of delivering brain wounds.

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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #17: Military Suicides: Rates gradually increased from 2011 to 2022

Nothing the DOD Mental Health System of VA does for brain injuries is approved for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). And TBI has been shown to be a direct contributor to suicidal ideation, amenable to healing with HBOT. A more thorough Suicide Prevention Strategy should report on efforts to properly diagnose and heal brain wounds, across the board.

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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #16: More Evidence: Untreated TBI ties to Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Neurological, and Psychiatric Disorders

At some point, DoD, the VA, and medicine in general will hear the drumbeat of data in peer-reviewed science attesting to the damage done by untreated brain wounds. Fortunately for those lucky few, the role of Hyperbaric Oxygenation to help treat and heal their brain wounds has given them new lives.

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