Concussion in Sport

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New Days Could be Dawning

From football fields to battlefields to America’s classrooms and assisted living facilities, citizens and policymakers and the medical profession are wondering what can be done about suicides, “mental health” and the growing sense that daily life is causing damage to our brains. Whether it’s sports, or legal and illegal drugs, or violence, or online abuse and bullying and shaming, or mass casualty events, or the suicide and opioid epidemics, increasing numbers of young and old have “mental health problems.” We seem to be losing our minds.

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What the world knows that the VA does not: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is safe, effective and can restore health

Athletes are waking up to the Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for brain wound healing, health, endurance, peak performance, and the competitive edge. A high-profile college football program began using HBOT to manage player injuries and fatigue. The therapy quickly became a key factor in their injury management and prevention strategy. The team noted shorter recovery periods after injuries, and players were able to return to play faster than before, demonstrating HBOT’s efficacy in a high-contact sports environment. Numerous professional athletes use HBOT.

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CTE Plagues Heisman Trophy Winners and Families

Four percent of Heisman trophy winners died of CTE, and the list of their wounded fellow winners is growing. If you extrapolate those numbers to the 25,000 former NFL players, over 1,000 of them are probably carrying the CTE markers. Three-quarters of 1,035 brains of football players, 0ver 700, examined at Boston University had CTE.

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Neuropathologic and Clinical Findings in Young Contact Sport Athletes Exposed to Repetitive Head Impacts

Young contact sport athletes may be at risk for long-term neuropathologic disorders, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Across the world, millions of people are exposed to repetitive head impacts (RHIs) through participation in contact and collision sports, military service, physical violence, and many other activities.1-6 Repetitive head impacts can result in symptomatic concussions and the much more frequent, nonconcussive injuries that are asymptomatic. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #9 – But is a Concussion a “Wound”?

Advanced imaging is outpacing medicine’s ability to keep up with implications of the “new” brain science, and the nature of brain wounding. Medical textbooks are out-of-date with respect both to the nature of brain wounds and treatments to heal those wounds. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #8: “New” Discoveries but Old News to Scientists Studying Brain Wounds

Military suicide rate rose 25% in first quarter, Pentagon reveals; Redefining Depression: TBI Affective Syndrome Discovered; Researchers identify first case of CTE found in a female athlete. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #7: More Shortcomings in Concussion Consensus Protocol

This report brings you information about the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport–Amsterdam, October 2022. For the sixth time, an international assemblage of specialists have come together to refine a document, purportedly to keep interested parties aware of the best information available concerning Concussion in Sport. And for the sixth time, the Conference has failed to talk about or recommend treating and healing brain wounds/TBI/Concussion. Read More