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How Hyperbaric Oxygenation is Restoring Brains damaged by AHI, Burn Pits, BLAST/TBI/PTSD/Concussion

The validity of using HBOT for wound healing to the brain is validated in the most recent research. Unsurprisingly, delivering oxygen under pressure safely and economically leads to effective wound healing. And numerous other interventions for comorbid maladies have a much better chance of effectiveness when the concussion cascade is interrupted and reversed.

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Veteran Organizations Have to Step UP to End the Suicide Epidemic

If you want to help end suicides, you have to help heal Brain Wounds so that Service Members have a chance at a lifetime of health, not a moment of relaxation from pain and suffering. Now get out there and refer the brain wounded to us and lobby those VSOs and your state legislatures to join in the functional medicine approach to helping restore health and Quality of Life to the wounded and their families. Get the VSOs to fund and lobby hard at the state and federal levels to actually help heal brain wounds.

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EndDependence Day 2024

It’s happening again. We can all be thankful on Independence Day, but a special group of people suffer a dependency that locks them into a constraining future. Veterans suffering brain wounds, and anyone with an untreated brain injury/Concussion/TBI/PTSD knows the confines of polytrauma, sometimes years after the injury.

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CALL FOR ACTION: Seeking to interview Citizens or Veterans with Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs) which may have led to amputations

The US Veteran’s Administration, and too many hospitals, continue to mismanage the clinical evaluation and timely care of the estimated 2.2 million diabetic Veteran population at risk for Diabetic Foot Ulcer limb amputation. This failure on the part of the VHA has resulted in substantially higher Lifetime costs, morbidity, mortality and a tragic reduction in Veteran length and quality of life that is well below that of the Medicare civilian population statistical comparators as reflected in this report.

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Memorial Day, 2024 Lest We Forget

Over 7,000 U.S. service members and over 8,000 contractors have died in the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. There are hundreds of thousands of others wounded in visible and invisible ways, misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, all untreated by the VA/DoD for their brain wounds.

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Pathophysiology of Brain Wounding, AKA: How is Damage Caused by a Brain Wound?

Over 100 years of research show that repeated BLAST Exposures (RBE) have negative effects on the human brain. Researchers want to come up with better and faster ways to identify brain injury. And the only non-pharma-based intervention to heal those brain wounds that is available now is not being used: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

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The physical and mental effects on troops exposed to blast overpressure from weapons are getting attention from the Army and Congress. (Photo by U.S. Army, Staff Sgt. Arturo Guzman).
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Legislative Update

Update on Legislation for HBOT treatments including the proposed Senate amendment to Title 10 and an update Murphy Legislation to Provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Veterans. Read More
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What the world knows that the VA does not: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is safe, effective and can restore health

Athletes are waking up to the Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for brain wound healing, health, endurance, peak performance, and the competitive edge. A high-profile college football program began using HBOT to manage player injuries and fatigue. The therapy quickly became a key factor in their injury management and prevention strategy. The team noted shorter recovery periods after injuries, and players were able to return to play faster than before, demonstrating HBOT’s efficacy in a high-contact sports environment. Numerous professional athletes use HBOT.

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CTE Plagues Heisman Trophy Winners and Families

Four percent of Heisman trophy winners died of CTE, and the list of their wounded fellow winners is growing. If you extrapolate those numbers to the 25,000 former NFL players, over 1,000 of them are probably carrying the CTE markers. Three-quarters of 1,035 brains of football players, 0ver 700, examined at Boston University had CTE.

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NYT: Friendly Fire Leads to Brain wounding

As we have reported for years, BLAST injury does not respect your nationality, gender, origin of the weapon, or your intention. As Dave Philipps of the New York Times reports, U.S. Troops are still training on weapons with known risks of delivering brain wounds.

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