suicide epidemic

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Veteran Organizations Have to Step UP to End the Suicide Epidemic

If you want to help end suicides, you have to help heal Brain Wounds so that Service Members have a chance at a lifetime of health, not a moment of relaxation from pain and suffering. Now get out there and refer the brain wounded to us and lobby those VSOs and your state legislatures to join in the functional medicine approach to helping restore health and Quality of Life to the wounded and their families. Get the VSOs to fund and lobby hard at the state and federal levels to actually help heal brain wounds.

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EndDependence Day 2024

It’s happening again. We can all be thankful on Independence Day, but a special group of people suffer a dependency that locks them into a constraining future. Veterans suffering brain wounds, and anyone with an untreated brain injury/Concussion/TBI/PTSD knows the confines of polytrauma, sometimes years after the injury.

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Memorial Day, 2024 Lest We Forget

Over 7,000 U.S. service members and over 8,000 contractors have died in the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. There are hundreds of thousands of others wounded in visible and invisible ways, misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, all untreated by the VA/DoD for their brain wounds.

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Suicide Prevention by Committee: The VA/DOD Avoid Proper Diagnoses of both the Suicide Epidemic and Brain Wounds

Rather than a truly revolutionary, root cause analysis of what combat and BLAST and repetitive head hits can lead to, and what Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is doing to eliminate suicidal ideation and heal brain wounds, the strategy glances off “treatment” to focus on intercepting and dealing with the suicidal. Read More
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How Big is the Veteran Suicide Problem?

Overview of the policies and flawed science behind the Veteran suicide, drug overdose deaths, diabetic amputations, and mental health epidemics. This series intends to tackle a range of subjects that afflict Veterans, especially suicide and drug overdoses which, along with diabetic lower limb amputations, are at epidemic levels. Read More
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Bad Trip: Expert says VA studies psychedelics but ignores proven Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy!

CBS Audio: Eye on Veterans. Although this technology is FDA approved for things like burns and diabetic foot ulcers, Beckman says the VA ignores proof that it’s effective for treating brain wounds, TBI’s, concussions and depression which has fueled the suicide epidemic in America. Read More
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VA Continues to Avoid Treating and Healing Brain Wounds

2024 reminds us that the Veterans Administration continues off-course by avoiding actual brain wound healing while pumping more $$$$ into research, “Mental Health,” and achieving a new normal. Meanwhile, the suicide rate continues upward. Read More
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NYT: Friendly Fire Leads to Brain wounding

As we have reported for years, BLAST injury does not respect your nationality, gender, origin of the weapon, or your intention. As Dave Philipps of the New York Times reports, U.S. Troops are still training on weapons with known risks of delivering brain wounds.

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New York Times: USMC Blast Injury Update

Dave Philipps, Pulitzer prize-winning and NYT reporter, has filed another report on continuing investigations into BLAST injury. He does it through a look at the US strategy of using firepower to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. “A Secret War, Strange New Wounds, and Silence From the Pentagon” tells a sad tale but neglects a open secret: blast injury has been known for decades to cause brain wounds. “Strange New Wounds” have been known for fifteen years as “THE INVISIBLE WOUNDS OF WAR.”

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Lest We Forget 2023

Pentagon Reports Marines see Highest Suicide Rate since 2011, Navy since 2019. Over 15,000 Americans are estimated to have died in wars since 9/11, with hundreds of thousands wounded in visible and invisible ways: 877,450 brain wounded veterans either misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, all untreated by the VA/DoD for their brain wounds.

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