suicide ideation

The mass slaughter of North American bison by settlers of European descent is a well-known ecological disaster. An estimated eight million bison (from a high of 30-60 million) roamed the United States in 1870, but just 20 years later fewer than 500 of the iconic animals remained.
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How Big is the Veteran Suicide Problem?

Overview of the policies and flawed science behind the Veteran suicide, drug overdose deaths, diabetic amputations, and mental health epidemics. This series intends to tackle a range of subjects that afflict Veterans, especially suicide and drug overdoses which, along with diabetic lower limb amputations, are at epidemic levels. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #17: Military Suicides: Rates gradually increased from 2011 to 2022

Nothing the DOD Mental Health System of VA does for brain injuries is approved for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). And TBI has been shown to be a direct contributor to suicidal ideation, amenable to healing with HBOT. A more thorough Suicide Prevention Strategy should report on efforts to properly diagnose and heal brain wounds, across the board.

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This Part Three explores BLAST Injury, the role of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in healing brain wounds, eliminating symptoms of suicidal ideation, and the role of brain wound healing in stopping suicides.

For fourteen years, TreatNOW has been focused on trying to prevent service member suicides. This series is part of a continuing appeal to help the DOD/VA do the right things to prevent suicides, especially among combat veterans, particularly SpecOPs where the rates of suicide outpace all others.

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Putting the Brakes on Veteran Suicidal Ideation

2nd in a five-part series on the Implications of HBOT when used to heal brain wounds, eliminate suicidal ideation, restore lives, and save Billions of dollars. The updated UHMS definition of HBOT demands action. We are exploring at least five in this series: the first was the significance of the new/old science and mandatory revisions in scientific facts. This second Blog looks at suicide costs and data, and the action called for by the new science. Read More