Hon Martin R. Hoffmann (R.I.P.), Sec of the Army, 1975-1977
Mr. Hoffmann graduated from Princeton University and the University of Virginia Law School.
He served the U.S Government as General Counsel to the Atomic Energy Commission; as Special Assistant to the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary of Defense; as General Counsel to the Department of Defense; and as Secretary of the U.S. Army [under President Ford]. He served and managed a number of Law Firms, and served on a number of corporate boards. He served for six years full-time as a Pro Bono Consultant to the TreatNOW Coalition for the Cause of Brain Injured (TBI/PTSD) Military and Military Veteran casualties. Secretary Hoffmann passed away on July 14, 2014. His passion and ethical compass kept him focused until the end on the well-being of Service members.
The Honorable Patt Maney, BG, USAR (ret.)
Judge Maney is a War Veteran who was wounded by an IED while serving in OEF. After 15 months convalescing in Walter Reed, he was showing little progress. Heroic interventions allowed GEN Maney to be treated in a private hospital with HBOT 1.5. He is now back serving as an elected Judge in Okaloosa County, FL where he has helped institute Veterans Courts. He was recently named Patriot of the Year by the Military Order of the Purple Heart for his volunteer work on behalf of veterans and his contributions to the community.
Daphne Denham, MD
Dr. Denham is a board-certified general surgeon who became interested in wound care and hyperbaric medicine when her sixth child was young. Watching her children in their various sports and knowing the timing and cascade of concussive injury, while seeing what hyperbaric oxygen does for swelling, inflammation and tissue damage, she took an aggressive approach. Since 2015 she has been TREATing concussions. In Summer 2018 she expanded her Northbrook, IL based clinic to Fargo, ND because she was given an opportunity to provide greater objective data demonstrating how well her protocol works. Through her clinics, Healing with Hyperbarics, she hopes to change the dialogue for concussions from management to treatment.
James K. Wright, MD Colonel USAF, (ret.)
Dr. Wright graduated from the University of Chicago and the University of Chicago Medical School. He completed medical fellowships at Harvard Medical School and in Hyperbaric Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas. He is board certified in Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. He spent 28 years in the Air Force and directed hyperbaric clinical research at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine for four years before moving to the 720th Special Tactics Group, Air Force Special Operations Command. Since retiring from the Air Force in 2010 Dr. Wright has devoted his volunteer efforts to the NBIRR project. He is the author or co-author of 32 publications of which twelve deal with hyperbaric oxygen. He is currently the lead investigator and Study Director of the observational Clinical Trial of the National Brain Injury Rescue and Rehabilitation (NBIRR) study of Hyperbaric Oxygen for the International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation.
Robert Mozayeni, MD, Director, Translational Medicine Group
Dr. Mozayeni is a graduate of the Leadership in Medicine 6-yr program at Union College and Albany Medical School. He did his post graduate medical training in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology at Yale University. He was a Senior Staff Fellow in the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute while simultaneously holding a clinical appointment as the Rheumatology Fellow in the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. He was also on the medical staff at the NIH Clinical Center during the same time period. He presently serves as Director and VP of Translational Medicine for the International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation. His current practice also includes Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury.
Ed DiGirolamo, PE
Mr. di Girolamo has 40 years of experience in building design, manufacturing, construction, demolition and structural analysis software development. His broad experience with structures includes nuclear plants, navy ships, bridges, and commercial and residential structures. To date, he is a named inventor on over twenty construction product patents. di Girolamo founded The Steel Network, Inc. (TSN), in 1994 and for the past 23 years has served as CEO. TSN designs and manufactures light gauge steel connections and structural products. In 2004, he formed Applied Science International, LLC (ASI) and serves as CEO. ASI provides protective design services and develops advanced software for the design and analysis of structures. In 2016 di Girolamo founded Extivita, LLC a company focused on industrializing the hyperbaric oxygen industry to allow its widespread use by the public at large. In 2018, he served as the Executive Director of the International hyperbaric Medical Foundation (IHMF) and currently serves as a Board Member for Hyperbaric Medical International (HMI).
Paul G. Harch, MD
Dr. Harch is the Director, LSUHSC/Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care Department. A graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Harch is a hyperbaric medicine, diving, and emergency medicine physician who is a Diplomat of the American Board of Hyperbaric Medicine and the Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine of the American Board of Physician Specialties. In recognition of his accomplishments in clinical practice, teaching, and research he was awarded fellowship status in the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine in 1997. He also received the Edgar End Award from the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine in 1994 and the Richard A. Neubauer Award for Excellence in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Pediatric Neurology in 2003. Dr. Harch is the first President of the International Hyperbaric Medical Association (established in 2001) and President of the International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation. He has lectured and presented his work at numerous scientific meetings throughout the U.S. and overseas.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD
Dr. Henricks graduated from Medical School in 1991 and completed Internship, Neurology Residency and Chief Residency at Hahnemann University Hospital. Following a Fellowship at the University of Michigan/Ann Arbor in Clinical Neurophysiology (with training in EEG, Epilepsy, Sleep Disorders and intra – operative monitoring), she completed a second Fellowship at the University of Arizona in Behavioral Neurology and Memory Disorders. In private practice in Tucson since 1999, Dr. Henricks has developed expertise in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and focuses her practice on TBI and complex neurological recovery programs with a comprehensive approach to patient care.
Samuel Shor, MD, FACP
Medical Director, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of Northern Virginia. Associate Clinical Professor, George Washington University Health Care Sciences. Dr. Shor cultivated his interest in managing chronic fatigue and associated conditions such as fibromyalgia and ultimately chronic Lyme disease. Chair, Loudoun County Lyme commission. 2015-2017, President of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. Expert in the management of Traumatic Brain Injury with particular attention to persisting PCS (Post-Concussion Syndrome) symptoms.
Tom Fox, MAS, MS, CHT
Thomas Fox is the staff physiologist with Centre Hyperbare de L’Ile in Pincourt Qc. His last assignment in the United States Army was as the chief of the Atmospherics Branch of the United States School of Aviation Medicine responsible for investigations, instruction and training of hyper/hypobaric environment. Fox is a graduate of United States Army Command and General Staff School and an aeromedical evacuation pilot with 10 years experience. Since leaving the service in 1994, Fox’s work experience has been in a number of positions in which he has performed as the technical director for hospitals as the hyperbaric service provider in the critical care setting.
James L. Bauerle, Brigadier General, US Army, (ret.)
General Bauerle served for over 32 years and is a Vietnam and Desert Storm Veteran with numerous decorations. Additionally, he worked in various management positions in the computer and telephone industry. Today he is the VP and Legislative Director for The Military/Veterans Coalition of Indiana which is an advocacy coalition of over 75 organizations in Indiana. General Bauerle led the team to get legislation enacted and $1 MILLION funding from the state for the Indiana Veteran Recovery Pilot Program which treats veterans across Indiana who suffer from TBI, PTSD, or PCS. General Bauerle holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Graduate work in Operations Management & Leadership.
Ben Richards, Major, US Army, (ret.)
Major Ben Richards is a West Point graduate and a Wounded Warrior with numerous decorations, one of which is a Purple Heart for TBI/PTSD. After years of being told he had only PTSD, and that he would not recover from a delayed diagnosis of TBI, his life began again following HBOT treatment. He is starting a PhD program and lectures widely on the need to TreatNOW.
MOH Recipient Sammy Lee Davis, (SGT, USA).
Sammy Davis was awarded the nation’s highest military medal for valor, the Medal of Honor. He and his wife Dixie are relentless advocates for wounded service members. In 1994, footage of his Medal of Honor award ceremony was used in the film Forrest Gump, with actor Tom Hanks’ head superimposed over that of Davis.
Debbie Lee, Gold Star Mother, Founder/CEO of America’s Mighty Warriors
Debbie Lee is an author, public speaker and Founder/CEO of America’s Mighty Warriors. She has traveled the nation telling her son’s amazing story and advocating for our troops, their families and families of the fallen. Debbie understands the sacrifice our troops make and that “Freedom isn’t free.” On Aug 2, 2006 she received a knock on the door that would forever change her life.
She was notified that her son Marc Alan Lee had been killed in action, becoming the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that our troops and military and Gold Star families have access to respite and important services that help assist recovery after injury or loss. AMW was the first military charity to provide HBOT for healing our Veterans diagnosed with PTS/TBI. Her work has helped hundreds of Special Operations and combat veterans get HBOT and other therapies to repair brains and restore their lives and their families. You can often find Debbie in the Halls of Congress fighting to change legislation to provide HBOT for our Veterans.
Jeff L. Hampsten CHT,CHWS.
Jeff opened and currently operates two multi-place Hyperbaric Chambers in Idaho and has championed the use of HBO treatment for twenty years. His experience with thousands of patients and tens of thousands of treatments have given him a unique perspective on the effectiveness of HBO for a wide range of maladies. Participation in the NBIRR study and treatment of many Veteran TBI patients have shown the efficacy of HBO for brain wounds.
Robert Schmidt, Chairman/CEO, Great American Broadband, Inc.; and Executive Director, Pro Football Retired Players Assc.
Mr. Schmidt has over 30 years of experience in the communications industry and has become a nationally recognized leader in new telecommunications technology development. He has served in Senior Management with distinction in public and private companies including: ITT, CTM, CMI, National Cable Telecommunications Association (NCTA), Wireless Communication Association International (WCAI), and National Digital Network.
Mr. Schmidt maintains significant contacts with key leaders in the cable television and related telecommunications industry, most notable as Founder and President of the American Teleport Association (ATA); Charter board member of the World Teleport Association, Co-Founder and Board Member of Cable Satellite Public Affairs network (C-SPAN) and recipient of the President’s Award from the NCTA. Mr. Schmidt is the Founder and Chairman of the Vincent T. Lombardi Foundation and past President of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the National Football Foundation and the Hall of Fame. Mr. Schmidt is also the Executive Director of the Pro Football Retired Players Association, and is deeply involved in the effort to get healing treatments to ballplayers and veterans suffering from TBI and the effects of concussions. Mr. Schmidt attended the University of Notre Dame, holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and a M.S. in International Business from American University and a J.D. from Georgetown University School of law.
Michael BEAR Clair, Prof. Musician, former Wrestler
Michael Bear Clair is a former Professional wrestler and Nashville Session player and lifelong touring musician. He spent his teen years and adult life playing music for a living and playing with some of the biggest stars in the music industry including Steve Miller, Keb Mo, Hal Ketchum, The Grand Ole Opry with many of the top Country Recording artist. His foray into pro Wrestling in the 1980s led to Bear as he is known, to have over 100 concussions in the squared circle, multiple injuries including 6 spine fractures, both arms broken, femurs broken and more. In the early 2000s he noticed his memory starting to go. By 2013 he was entering the early stages of dementia and began seeking treatment. 2015 he was diagnosed with Post Concussive Syndrome with possible CTE. He asked the doctor at the Mayo Clinic what he would do if the roles were reversed. The doctor told him about HBOT and the course to treatment was set with Doctor Edwin Zant in Florida. Bear at that point was unable to walk unassisted and was taking 20 pills a day to deal with severe tremors in his left hand and head. He was no longer able to play music and was in a wheel chair when he left for his treatment in Florida. After doing his dives with Doc Zant, he made a full recovery from his brain injuries and has been playing music since he was treated. October 13th 2018 he was inducted into the Midwest Music Alliance Rock Hall of Fame for his work in the Music Industry. He continues to work with and has help facilitate treatment for many veterans in need. He currently resides in Mount Auburn Iowa.
Eric W. Koleda, Founder and Director, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Kentucky Veterans
Eric W. Koleda. BS and MBA degrees, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. US Air Force Vietnam Veteran. Thirty-five plus years in the airline industry retiring from UPS Airline in 2013. Founder and President of Advance Aviation, LLC, an aviation consulting business. Director and Founder of HBOT4KYVETS. Co-coordinated KY HB64, The Colonel Ron Ray Traumatic Brain Injury and Treatment Act passage in KY legislature in 2018. National Director of TreatNOW Coalition State Legislative efforts, working on KY, state and national legislative and organizing efforts to progress the VA acceptance of HBOT as standard of care benefit for all veterans.
James S. Hooker (CDR, USN, ret.)
Operating out of North Carolina, Jim is a specialist in government financial management and systems acquisition. Since 2007 Mr. Hooker has been focused on supporting combat veteran families returning home. In early 2010 Mr. Hooker cofounded and served as the COO of a foundation with a mission to support transition of Wounded In Action (WIA) military families into the civilian community. Mr. Hooker has prepared a detailed legislative strategy and plan to provide effective treatment for veterans with TBI/PTSD for veterans in the State of NC and nationwide.
Dale C Lutzen, SMSgt, US Air Force, (ret.)
SMSgt Dale Lutzen served over 21 years with the US Air Force and is a Vietnam and Desert Storm Veteran. After his military career he was self employed as a sales representative for the commercial furniture manufacturing industry serving the federal and state government market. SMSgt Lutzen is a life member of the Air Force Sergeants Association, Air Force Association and The Disabled American Veterans. Dale has served on multiple leadership positions within the Air Force Sergeants Association management hierarchy. He finished his tenure after 22 years as the International Retired and Veterans Affairs Trustee and is currently a member of the Missouri Association of Veteran Organizations (MAVO) and is working on HBOT legislation with Missouri legislators. Senior Master Sergeant Lutzen’s education includes an Associate of Applied Science (CCAF) Aircraft Maintenance, BS Embry Riddle University Aviation Maintenance, FAA Airframe and Power-plant license.
William W. Collins, Co-founder and Director, Marines Helping Heroes Foundation
Mr. Collins is a co-founder and director of the Marines Helping Heroes Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to provide assistance to Veterans, first responders and other community heroes who are in need. He is a retired aerospace professional with fifty years’ experience in the total life cycle management of space systems. He began his career in 1965 as a mechanical engineering technician. At the time of his retirement from government service in 1993 he was the Spacecraft Acquisition Division Director for a multi-billion dollar classified program. In 2009 he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke which left him with a severe case of PTSD. His treatment was drug based including accompanying suicidal ideation. After his recovery he began to investigate means for providing support to veterans and others suffering from TBI/PTSD. His investigation led him to HBOT and the conclusion that of available treatment protocols that it is the safest, most effective and most underutilized treatment available. Working with TREATnow and the Marines Helping Heroes Foundation he hopes to help bring HBOT into the mainstream. Mr. Collins served in the Marine Corps on active duty and as an active reservist from 1956 until 1964.
Ms. Patti Brady
Ms. Patti Brady is a Veterans Advocate who has been assisting Veterans and their families for over 20 years. She was instrumental in establishing the first Veterans Resource Center in Southern Maryland. Ms. Brady served on the State of Maryland Advisory Board for Veterans Services, specifically for homeless and suicide prevention. Ms. Brady has served on several non-profit organizations, including being the founder of Patriot Springs – a tiny homes for homeless Veterans community. Patti draws upon over 30 years of experience in the defense industry and was previously the CEO of a Small Business for over 12 years. Patti has served on multiple Boards in support of DoD agencies. Her experience in International Programs spans over two decades and across all branches of the military and across many regions of the world. She lives in northern Virginia and has one daughter.
Wes Irvin
Wes Irvin is an evolving survivor whose life mission is improving the physical and mental health of those who have suffered severe trauma and life-altering medical conditions. HBOT helped save his life. He is focused on reforming what has become a complex, unreliable, and inaccessible healthcare system. He has a deep belief that healthcare is an inalienable right that should be affordable, accessible, available, and accountable. Finally, he has put forth a plan to address and cure opioid abuse in the United States. In addition to healthcare, he is well versed in transportation, infrastructure, and manufacturing issues. He has a long career in government and public policy, including stints working with members of Congress, governors, the federal government, and private sector organizations, including serving as the Vice President of Government Relations at the National Association of Manufacturers. Additionally he served in senior executive service positions at the U.S. Department of Transportation as Associate Administrator for Communications and Congressional Affairs at the Federal Transit Administration and at the Maritime Administration. He currently serves on the Anne Arundel County Commission on Disability Issues and New Hampshire’s Plymouth State University Presidents Council. Wes resides in Annapolis, MD, with his wife Trish and three children as well as his loyal service dog Copper.
Christine C. de Fontenay, Computer Programming, Instruction, Documentation, Research, and Editing
Chrissy has a BA in Economics from Vassar College/1965. She spent two years as a computer programmer at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and 24 years at the Brookings Institution – 12 years as Senior Research Programmer, Teacher, Documenter, and Trainer; and 12 years as Manager of Research Computing; 2 years as Senior Data and Technology Advisor to the Head of the Committee of Scientists Advising the Government on SDI, and 12 years as Senior Data and Technology Advisor to the Department of Defense. For over a decade she had a reputation as the meanest task-master on the block.
Glenn J. Butler, Founder / CEO, Life Support Technologies Group
Glenn has more than 50 years’ experience in military, commercial diving, as well as clinical hyperbaric medicine / hypobaric aerospace operations and Life Safety engineering. He has developed and operated thirty (30) plus major hospital-based Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine programs internationally. Today, Glenn and his team operate Hospital-based Wound and Hyperbaric Medicine Centers in the New York Tri-State area. LST also provides advanced Life Safety Engineering services to NASA, DOD, the MTA East Side Access Tunneling Project connecting the LI Railroad with Grand Central station and Marine Rescue and Safety Training to the Tappan Zee Constructors-LLC during the Tappan Zee Bridge construction. He was a founding member of the National Board Certification for Hyperbaric Technologists and is a member of the UHMS Hyperbaric Safety Committee. He has authored 12 U.S. patents and published more than 45 scientific documents.
Stephen D. Reimers, P.E.
Mr. Reimers is an MIT-trained Professional Engineer. He is a former member of a Navy Experimental Diving Unit with an extensive background in breathing and compression technologies. He has 37 years experience as President/Owner of Reimers Consultants, Reimers Engineering, Inc., Reimers Systems, Inc., and Hyperbaric Clearinghouse, Inc. and has been responsible for the design of over $40,000,000 of currently installed clinical hyperbaric facilities. He is the current Chair of the prestigious PRESSURE VESSELS FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY (PVHO) and Secretary/Treasurer of the sponsor of NBIRR, the International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation.
William Duncan, Ph.D., Director of Patriot Clinic, OK
Dr. William A. Duncan, a former Army officer, serves as President of Capitol Strategy Consultants, Inc., where he represents clients on healthcare, biomedical research, veterans, Department of Defense, and criminal justice and public health arenas. His clients benefit from his extensive background in the congressional appropriations process and heath care regulations. In the medical realm, Dr. Duncan supervised numerous legislative priorities including National Institutes of Health reforms for setting research priorities, expansion on biomedical research infrastructure, AHRQ and evidence-based medicine initiatives, NIH and CDC initiatives in environmental medicine, amputee services, and addressing chronic disease including diabetes and public health. He dealt with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services problems, including getting CMS to approve a new indication for hyperbaric oxygen to reduce diabetic foot amputations, reducing the regulatory burden on health care, prescription drug, and FDA issues.
David K. Bowman, Colonel, US Army, (Ret.)
Colonel Bowman Served for 32 years and is a Vietnam Veteran with numerous decorations. He is a recipient of the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in 1967. He has a Bachelors Degree in Business and a Masters of Busines Administration Degree from the University of Tampa, Tampa Florida. Colonel Bowman has been active in assisting TBI wounded Veterans in receiving HBOT Treatment. He is certified as a Chapter Service Officer with the Disabled American Veterans. He has Served on the Military/Veterans Coalition and served as a National Leader with the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Robert L. Beckman, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Executive Director, TreatNOW
Dr. Beckman has been building knowledge management systems most of his professional career, primarily in the Intelligence Community and DOD. He is a former USAF KC-135 pilot and a Vietnam Veteran. He is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of and Chief Knowledge Officer, Foundation for the Study of Inflammatory Disease. (571) 549-4258