Today, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (OH-10) and CIA Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford (AR-01) criticized the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s updated Intelligence Community Assessment regarding Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) at U.S. embassies and missions across the world:
“This updated assessment by ODNI concerning new intelligence on Anomalous Health Incidents, also known as ‘Havana Syndrome,’ continues the Biden Administration’s cover-up. This new intelligence, I believe, should completely change the assessment of our adversaries’ capabilities and the risks to our personnel. This will not age well for the Biden Administration,” said Chairman Turner.
“Today, the Biden Administration doubled down on misleading the American people about Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI). I led the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the handling of these incidents by the Intelligence Community (IC) in the 118th Congress, as I’ll continue to do in the 119th Congress. As I’ve said before, the evidence shows that a foreign adversary is likely responsible for several of the roughly 300 reported AHI cases. Not only are AHI-affected Americans being denigrated by this ‘new’ assessment, but the IC’s conclusions continue to ignore the very serious process problems I’ve previously highlighted. Bad process breeds bad conclusions, and forcing the release of a report at the bitter end of the administration illustrates how ongoing IC leadership has broken faith with the IC’s mission. Congress must continue working towards the truth and seeking accountability. I look forward to engaging with the incoming Trump administration to immediately address the highly irregular process employed to develop intelligence products, which only serves to say what the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Deputy DNI for Mission Integration, and other IC leaders want them to say,” said CIA Subcommittee Chairman Crawford.
On December 5, 2024, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence CIA Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford released an unclassified interim report about the increasing likelihood a foreign adversary is responsible for some of the reported AHI cases. The interim report also criticized the Intelligence Community for thwarting the Committee’s investigation into AHIs.
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