HBOT-for-TBI and to arrest the suicide epidemic

We thought these current news items from the TreatNOW Coalition would be useful:

  1. A poll of our 120+ TreatNOW Coalition clinics found that there are over 6 dozen active duty and retired/veteran brain-wounded service members currently receiving HBOT for their brain wounds.
  2. America’s Mighty Warriors and the 22Project and multiple other VSOs have donated funding to treat over 2,600 veterans and active duty brain-wounded who have received no effective help from DoD/VA medicine.
  3. These are part of the over 8,500 brain-wounded who have been treated with HBOT for their TBIs, over 700 of whom were part of peer-reviewed science showing safety and efficacy of using HBOT for TBI.
  4. Another study out of Florida about to be published shows 40 veterans who went through HBOT-for-TBI treatment showed significant medical improvement.
  5. We have helped over a dozen Brain-Wounded Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Lejeune get HBOT for their brain wounds. All have improved. 
  6. Out recent Report [attached] on the costs of NOT treating brain wounded veterans with HBOT show huge hidden costs:   $118.1 billion per year is the current annual economic impact to our country by TBI veterans who live with an untreated, undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed TBI.
  7. Once again, DoD reports a rise in suicides, expenditures in the hundreds of millions on suicide prevention efforts — and no use of HBOT, which has been shown in scientific studies to reduce suicidal ideation to near zero, and allow most patients to get off almost all their drugs, particularly those with black-box lables that WARN OF SUICIDAL IDEATION.