- 2021 JAMA Open – Low level Blast
- HBOT-for-TBI and to arrest the suicide epidemic
- FY22 Milcon-VA Appropriations Report
- Quantitative biomarkers for assessing mild traumatic brain injury … that can identify individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI).
- Army to review thousands of discharges of veterans who suffered from traumas
- New traumatic brain injury test is ‘game-changing,’ concussion experts say
- Clinicians fear NFL’s concussion settlement program protocols discriminate against Black players
- First-line Psychotherapies for Miltary-Related PTSD
- Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD Stress Treatment Resolution signed by Governor of Wyoming
- More football leads to worse CTE, scientists say. Consider NFL great Willie Wood
- Doctors provide consensus symptoms of CTE among living, a major step for researchers
- VA seeks feedback to guide new suicide prevention grant program
- Blood-Based Markers Tied to Brain Cell and Memory Loss
- A huge share of prisoners have brain injuries. They need more help
- Brain changes following traumatic brain injury share similarities with Alzheimer’s disease
- Pascrell and Bacon Lead Colleagues Requesting Funding Increases for Traumatic Brain Injury Programs
- Surfing and Brain Injuries and HBOT
- Israel HBOT Anti-Ageing Study and Protocol
- Op-Ed: Are Marijuana Use and Suicide Linked?
- VA Announces Listening sessions to guide VA SSG Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program
- HBOT helps get Riders Back in the Saddle
- Burn Pits Protocol
- Military Suicide: Take 2
- Military Suicides Up 25% Q4 2020
- State RESOLUTION for HBOT at National Level
- Military Suicide: Take 3
- Murphy Accepts Hero Defender Award, Champions Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act
- Department Of Defense 2020 Annual Suicide Report
- As More And More Troops Die By Suicide, The Hardest Question Remains: Why?
- Praise Mounts for Tuberville’s HBOT Access Act
- Significant legislative effort on Suicides
- The Obvious Question JAN 2022
- Hyperbaric Oxygenation for Anti-Aging and TBI
- New study suggests that brain scans can reliably spot troubling signs of sports-inflicted neurological damage while a person is still alive.