Healing with Hyperbarics

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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #9 – But is a Concussion a “Wound”?

Advanced imaging is outpacing medicine’s ability to keep up with implications of the “new” brain science, and the nature of brain wounding. Medical textbooks are out-of-date with respect both to the nature of brain wounds and treatments to heal those wounds. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #8: “New” Discoveries but Old News to Scientists Studying Brain Wounds

Military suicide rate rose 25% in first quarter, Pentagon reveals; Redefining Depression: TBI Affective Syndrome Discovered; Researchers identify first case of CTE found in a female athlete. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #7: More Shortcomings in Concussion Consensus Protocol

This report brings you information about the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport–Amsterdam, October 2022. For the sixth time, an international assemblage of specialists have come together to refine a document, purportedly to keep interested parties aware of the best information available concerning Concussion in Sport. And for the sixth time, the Conference has failed to talk about or recommend treating and healing brain wounds/TBI/Concussion. Read More
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BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #6: Other Than Honorable (OTH) and Relation to BLAST, TBI / PTSD

This report brings you information about how service members are being separated from the service with Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharges. One organization, USJAG.org, is succeeding at ensuring that injured, ill, or wounded active-duty service members are separated with benefits, honors, and dignity intact.

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This report brings you information about how HBOT can be used to help with symptoms due to BLAST damage, and advances in seeing “invisible” wounds. Remember: despite loose talk about how “almost all mild Traumatic Brain Injuries heal themselves,” evidence shows that 25% – 30% of TBIs lead to lifetime complications. Read More
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This report brings you information about the use of HBOT to help with symptoms due to Long Haul COVID. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) can be used to get a drug into use. Using HBOT to fight long-haul COVID and the heal brain wounds from TBI/PTSD/Concussion could be done safely, effectively, and immediately. Read More
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This report deviates a bit from a focus on Brain Wound healing. It steps up to a strategic level and asks a hard question: What is it going to take to change the way the VA thinks about Veteran overall health and wellness? More importantly, how do we as a society get institutions to open up to obvious truths and accept that there is an additional way to think more broadly and ACT to heal wounds, reduce costs and suffering, and restore lives and families?

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This is the second of a weekly compendium of events, research, news, and insights about Brain Wounds: Concussion, TBI, PTSD. The focus is on Brain Wound healing and reduction of suicidal ideation; the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a safe and effective treatment for brain wounds.

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This is the first of a weekly compendium of events, research, news, and insights about Brain Wounds: Concussion, TBI, PTSD. The focus is on Brain Wound healing and reduction of suicidal ideation; the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a safe and effective treatment for brain wounds; and the clinical and evidence-based proof of a new era in our understanding of how to improve brain health and Quality of Life after a brain wound. Read More
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IMPERATIVES: When “Certainty” in the VA Overrides Patient Health and Threatens Lives

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) top clinical priority is preventing suicide among all Veterans. Numerous other sports and medical institutions are similarly concerned about the toll taken by hits to the head. So here is some advice, rooted in some truths that will open up the diaologue and let brain-wounded get the insured help they need and deserve. Read More