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VETERANS’ DAY, 2024: A Day of Remembrance for Veterans Denied Medical Treatments Part 1

According to a 2022 report to US Congress with data provided by Dr. Steven Lieberman, VHA Under Secretary of Health, more than 796,340 Veterans have died from Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) Lower Limb Amputations (LLA) since 2001. Approximately 93% of these Veterans were denied access to HBOT or not provided medically required ‘Informed Consent” about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This is a National Tragedy which is preventable, but Veterans are largely and routinely denied access to FDA, CMS and Tricare-approved HBOT treatments, resulting in their premature DFU/LLA deaths.

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CALL FOR ACTION: Seeking to interview Citizens or Veterans with Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs) which may have led to amputations

The US Veteran’s Administration, and too many hospitals, continue to mismanage the clinical evaluation and timely care of the estimated 2.2 million diabetic Veteran population at risk for Diabetic Foot Ulcer limb amputation. This failure on the part of the VHA has resulted in substantially higher Lifetime costs, morbidity, mortality and a tragic reduction in Veteran length and quality of life that is well below that of the Medicare civilian population statistical comparators as reflected in this report.

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The underlying tragedy is that the VHA is arbitrarily withholding services to conserve contract expenditures when expending six times the cost in treatments, amputations, surgical, and after care cost. HBOT contract services will provide fewer capital expenditures long-term by including existing hospital-based civilian Community Care Providers in the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Veteran population. Read More
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Press Release: Hundreds of Thousands of Veterans are Dying from Diabetic Foot Ulcer Within the VHA when a Life-Saving Treatment is Available but Unused

Veteran Eric Koleda of the TreatNOW Coalition has released The Veteran Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) Epidemic: A U.S. Department of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Services Review. His analysis of recent data received from Deputy Under Secretary of Health for the VA indicates more than 796,340 Veterans have died from Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) and Lower Limb Amputation (LLA) in the past 22-years. This is more than all the Veterans Killed in Action in all the U.S. wars (623,982) since World War I. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been approved by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) since 2002 for all Veterans over the age of 65. HBOT treatments heal on average 74 percent of the DFU cases, eliminating the need for amputations and extending patient lives. Read More