TBI treatment

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VETERANS’ DAY, 2024: A Day of Remembrance for Veterans Denied Medical Treatments Part 1

According to a 2022 report to US Congress with data provided by Dr. Steven Lieberman, VHA Under Secretary of Health, more than 796,340 Veterans have died from Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) Lower Limb Amputations (LLA) since 2001. Approximately 93% of these Veterans were denied access to HBOT or not provided medically required ‘Informed Consent” about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This is a National Tragedy which is preventable, but Veterans are largely and routinely denied access to FDA, CMS and Tricare-approved HBOT treatments, resulting in their premature DFU/LLA deaths.

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Labor Day, 2024 The Cost of Doing Business

In the world of athletes and service members, there’s a particularly odious reality: service members and athletes are expendable commodities that have to be replenished or taken off the books to achieve peak performance, to win. On this Labor Day, here’s a FACT CHECK ON TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP of untreated brain wounds. It would be a one-time adjusted cost of $19.7 Billion to treat and help heal all 877,450 TBI Veterans with 80 HBOT treatments.

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The NFL could run the VA, and vice versa

It is not hyperbole to draw parallels between the NFL and the VA [and DoD as well] when it comes to willful ignorance about how to both diagnose and treat brain wounds, no matter when suffered. And even they know that the earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the greater the likelihood that suicides, suffering and costs are reduced.

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How Hyperbaric Oxygenation is Restoring Brains damaged by AHI, Burn Pits, BLAST/TBI/PTSD/Concussion

The validity of using HBOT for wound healing to the brain is validated in the most recent research. Unsurprisingly, delivering oxygen under pressure safely and economically leads to effective wound healing. And numerous other interventions for comorbid maladies have a much better chance of effectiveness when the concussion cascade is interrupted and reversed.

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Suicide Prevention by Committee: The VA/DOD Avoid Proper Diagnoses of both the Suicide Epidemic and Brain Wounds

Rather than a truly revolutionary, root cause analysis of what combat and BLAST and repetitive head hits can lead to, and what Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is doing to eliminate suicidal ideation and heal brain wounds, the strategy glances off “treatment” to focus on intercepting and dealing with the suicidal. Read More